A person in gray clothing is lying on their side while another person dressed in white applies pressure to their leg and hip in a therapeutic setting


Shiatsu in Miami Beach. Located in South Beach Area

Shiatsu in Miami Beach makes use of the traditional acupuncture points (Meridian points) of Oriental Medicine’s healing. Massage therapy and the meridian network provides life giving and life-sustaining energy to every part of the human body. It is this network that connects all the organs, tissues and cells in the body.

One ancient scientific definition is that Shiatsu in Miami Beach Massage Therapy calms an overactive sympathetic nervous system. When the sympathetic nervous system is calmed there is an improvement in  circulation, and immediately relieve is felt in stiff deep tissue muscles through out the body. Shiatsu Massage Therapy is an excellent choice for alleviating stress levels in the body and mind.

Miami Massage Shiatsu massage therapists use finger, thumb, palm, elbow and knee as points of pressure to open energetic pathways called meridians to improve the flow of qi “energy” in the body.

The male or female massage therapist applies pressure with the finger, thumb, palm, elbow or knee to specific areas located along the energy meridians of the skin. These Massage Therapy Strokes used include tapping, squeezing, rubbing and applied pressure. This is in fact, the basis of understanding on how this form of massage therapy works.

By stimulating the meridian points on the exterior of the body with Shiatsu massage therapy, changes can be made internally. Similar to acupressure, Shiatsu in Miami Beach concentrates on unblocking the flow of life energy and restoring balance in the meridians and organs.

The many benefits of Shiatsu Massage Therapy include:

  • Deep tissue massage and tissue relaxation thus relieving back and neck pain, whiplash injury, frozen shoulders, etc.
  • Stress reduction and management thus reduces headaches and migranes, pre-menstrual syndrome.
  • Releases toxins from the body thus enhances body’s natural detoxification process.
  • Prevents diseases eg. gastrointenstinal disorders.
  • Increased joint flexibility
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Lowered blood pressure

Shiatsu Massage Therapy aims to help nature performs its work. Symptoms are not treated specifically. The goal is to help the whole body and all its body parts function smoothly and work together in a balanced manner, so as to promote self-healing.

Shiatsu Massage Therapy is safe, holistic and effective. This massage therapy does not involve the use of drugs, medicines or invasive procedures. If you are experiencing some health problems, instead of seeing a doctor, you may wish to check out Shiatsu Massage Therapy as an alternative option.

Give Shiatsu massage therapy a go, you’ll be glad you did!

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